Sunday, August 5, 2012

Coke Project 101

So I started a new series for August. I needed something I could use for my advertising major, along with my photography major. A lot of people have been into the "vintage" look... and to be honest I was never in to it very much. Not because I couldn't do it, but mostly because when I interned and worked at photography studios, I was taught that crisp photographs were the accurate way to take photographs. Now, I know everyone has different tastes, but I don't think it's appropriate to charge over 100 dollars for photographs that are over edited and grainy. 

I decided to do a "vintage" theme this month to prove to everyone that I could do it, and to mix it up a bit and see what my fans and viewers like the most. So far, this month has been pretty fun and I look forward to every day. Sometimes my themes get boring and I forget about them, but I can't forget about these shoots because they are a mix of my favorite stuff: fashion photography, and advertising.

The first day I photographed my best friend. 

Next was my friend Carly for Day 2

Kristen was day 3, and she was so full of energy and so cute that I ended up placing two of her photographs into my August Album

The fourth day I ran out of time, and people that were available, so I photographed myself :)

Today, Day 5, I photographed my long term, growing friend Elise. :) She was once a dancer like I was, and she had a lot of photographs that were hard to choose from.

Stay updated on my Blog or fan page to see the rest of the month! :)

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