Monday, September 30, 2013


Day Two Hundred and Seventy Three
Cats. Cats. Cats.

I finally got my thesis on a roll :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Day Two Hundred and Seventy Two.

Due to lack of volunteers I changed my thesis.
I decided to do something more simplistic and objectified.

My idea will be photographing people with their favorite every day coffee mugs. The things that we have lying around the house explain a lot about who we are. If we are gone, and we have used dishes in our sink, or articles laying around our house, what will they say about us?

In this image, the coffee cup is very simplistic. She uses it every day, it's one of her favorite cups.

Here's to hoping this works out.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Day Two Hundred and Seventy One

My life is insane right now, but I am taking it one day at a time.
In the winter and spring, I completely overworked myself. I took 17 credits at Grand Valley, and I basically had a full time job and two part time jobs. I worked and worked, and photographed, and studied. Since this happened... over time, I became over-stressed and over-worked. 

In July I quit my manager job, and I became a full time photographer, student, and an on call employee for a company I had been working for 2 years. I thought this was enough - but recently, I have learned that even that is too much for me.

I am in my last semester of college. Grand Valley, is not the easiest college. I know a few people who took a lot of credits at other colleges, but I ask myself, how hard were their classes actually, if they found time to do all of the things they did?
I don't know- nor does it matter.

This semester I have 4 400 level classes - Capstones.
My thesis for photography is really hard for me to do, because it is NOT my type of photography. My professor and I came up with this idea because it was out of my comfort zone, and pushes me to be a better photograph and concept artist. My thesis is strictly dependent on capturing a good "shot." I hardly edit them. The idea is a concept. It isn't about editing. However, I love editing. It's my favorite thing to do.

So that is what my photograph is about today. My sometimes unsuccessful befores, and my amazing afters. 
This photograph I didn't even edit the first time. I had the wrong exposure and it was lacking any source of contrast. So I decided to upgrade it a bit.
I'm a huge fan of correcting imperfections, unless their perfectly- imperfect. Why?
People like when they look good. People don't want to know that they look bad. People see themselves differently than other people see them.
Now this doesn't mean that I completely change them - but I do give them a little boost - because what I see in person is so much more beautiful than what the camera sees. Therefore, I make it what I actually saw. 
I love adding make up - slimming things- adding features and messing with color.

Beauty is all around me -
I just want to show it in all of my work.


Day Two Hundred and Seventy

A very cute and loyal companion.
There were so many that I fell in love with on this day.


Day Two Hundred and Sixty Nine
Art Work of Art Work

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Day Two Hundred and Sixty Eight

Made caramel apples and a lot of food with an amazing person.
This was my first attempt at making them vegan... total success.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Day Two Hundred and Sixty Seven.

Something we take for granted.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Day Two Hundred and Sixty Five.. 
Well I met this adorable animal today.

Pigs are probably my favorite animal in the world. 
They are in the top ten smartest animals in the world and people don't know that. Their sense of feel, hear, touch, smell, and everything is absolutely amazing.
If anything makes my heart stop - it's cute pigs.. well.. any pig is cute to me - hog or mini.

The group below is a group I am involved with every year. The event is to spread awareness about Farm Sanctuary, as it is to educate people on Factory Farming. 
This year the director of the Humane Society spoke with us about the "King Bill," and how awful it is. It basically kills all process anyone has made for fair treatment of animals - Including puppy mills. (No body I know likes those)
Educate yourself - its worth a read. :)


Day Two Hundred and Sixty Four.

My best friend.
I took a lot of her this day.


Day Two Hundred and Sixty Three
Blue Bridge. Art Prize. Right Lens. Hoo-ray.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Melissa and Chad

This week has been an intense week of editing. I had so many photographs to go through, but I loved them all.
Chad and Melissa were a JOY to work with. She was so excited about their wedding and him, and you can see his love directly through the way he looks at his beautiful bride.
I have A LOT of favorites, so I'll try to control myself. :)

Here they are.
Their being sent out tomorrow morning.

My absolute favorite photograph of her getting ready.

 Dad's First Look