Monday, March 23, 2015

Shine Bright 06

In one image - This first one sums up my entire project

Meet Jenna Betz

What do you love about yourself?
One must love themselves completely before they can in return love or show love to someone else. I personally love my authenticity, boldness, uniqueness, topped with a pinch of sass that God so graciously gifted me with. All that saying with complete modesty, in this case not to brag but more so to embrace. I choose to live by faith fully, saturated in positivity as much as possible, striving to impact the world around me constantly. I love that I was given a heart wanting to love and to help, rather than to harm or to hate. 

What gets you discouraged?
Even the person who everyone believes has the perfect life has set backs and discouragement. Discouragement comes to anyone and everyone, and at any time. What discourages me is never finishing the things that I've started. I feel that I have so much creativity that's invested in me that I get overwhelmed on a daily basis - I never know how to filter it. I feel that once God places an idea in my heart, I must move at it once. Down the road, I only get disappointed because I start at point A, but never reach the destination of point B. These instances make it hard for me to believe that I can do things, or in other words finish or accomplish something, because I focus on what I've not completed in my past. All of this leads to discouragement in my heart.

How do you overcome your demons?
I fully believe wholeheartedly that by living and walking in God's presence, knowing that you are a precious jewel of His, is in fact and will always keep you from harm. Demons come in many shapes and forms; obstacles, trials, struggles, negative thoughts, sickness, etc. In order to overcome any and all of those, I must believe that the victory is already won and that a shield of armor is provided for my protection from all harm. That if I believe that my God is with me, my life is protected and I am able to walk through anything with Him by my side. It is said that His Grace is sufficient, and that I will believe. 

What is your greatest passion?
My greatest passion is that of being a light, to shine on others - being able to inspire and encourage others the best that I can. I strive to be there for others and to help in any and all areas as needed by simply being a positive example. I love to create, create, and create some more. Whether that is with music, photography, writing, speaking, or enriching women's lives while working my business in Mary Kay. Anything and everything, I do it with all my heart, in wanting to change any mind, spirit, or life. My passion is to embrace the gifts and talents I have been given, and to allow God to use them to His advantage. 

Thanks for Following

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