Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day Sixty

Day Sixty. 
Yet first day in Oregon.

I can't tell you how much I love this city already.
I didnt really edit much of these photographs due to the fact that my laptop screen is not calibrated  and I will probably just edit all of them once I am home :)

Friday we got at the airport around 9 our time. Our plane took off at 11:50 and we got to Portland around 4:30. We took a taxi to downtown Portland where our Hotel is.
They have a 3 hour time difference, so that was weird. By the time we got settled in, showered, and ready to eat dinner.. it was only 3 here...

We were confused. However, our hotel is Vintage Themed. Love it.

So we walked around town, I took some snap shots (nothing too extravagant.. although that's coming later) and found an amazing Restaurant that was all vegan - holy amazing.

By the time we were done with that - it was 6 their time, 9 ours. We started getting kind of tired - but we decided to stay up and try to adjust for the time being to their schedule - only because we didn't want to wake up at 9 our time, be totally ready for breakfast, and have to wait to eat because it was only 6 here.

We went to a Brew and View- which is amazing. There we ate, and watched a movie... and I got to eat popcorn. Now, you make think "so what, popcorn." But I cant have butter, and to have movie theater popcorn.. well it doesnt happen for me.
But it does here.

We also went to a bookstore - Powells. THEY HAVE EVERY BOOK IN THE WORLD. I actually bought two cookbooks and two books on animal liberation.
That was day One :)

Drinking Fountain. So fresh and awesome.

Here comes day Two! 

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