The other day my friends and I did a "friend" shoot.
These three girls are my best friends.
I love them so much.
We got three different outfits and just started coming up with silly ideas.
My reason for this friend shoot is a lot of things.
1. I feel like I really have an established group of friends.
I always have struggled finding girl friends that are not only supportive, but understanding.
I have ran into people that give their opinion about your life, even though your decisions only effect you, and not them. I don't need opinions, I need support, and with these girls I get that.
2. I have been really lacking any type of motivation lately.
When I get home from a shoot, I literally just want to sit down and watch a movie, or go to the gym. I hardly feel like editing, and I guess once you do it so much, for hours on end, it really is hard to motivate yourself to want to sit in front of a bright computer screen for most of the day.
Today, I have to do that, not only for my own work and promotions, but for a hired job as well.
Pushing myself.
3. I really wanted to make a collage of all of us girls, because we all decided, no matter where we are in life, we will still keep each other in our lives.
It's very important.