Tuesday, January 28, 2014

52 Weeks of Fashion Photography

52 Weeks of Fashion Photography
Week 5
Grunge Fashion
Model: Teagan Frazier

The eye is tricky, because this whole shoot was done in very bright light, as the photo below shows, however the more I edited, the more I began to like the dark mystery of the fashion shoot.

Magazine Spread Take 3

So I thought I would add a little something extra to my post today.

Sometimes, my models don't want to do their make up - and usually people say "you can just photoshop that right?"
And yes, usually a knowledgeable photographer or editor can.
The thing I think is most important, is to remember that photoshop can't always save a photographer, however, I do enjoy messing with photographs a lot.
In fact, my favorite part, besides interacting with people, is editing them.

I'll give you an example of what I do in a lot of my photographs for people, and then I'll show you the rest of the images. :)

Magazine Cover Spreads Round 2

Personal Post

The other day my friends and I did a "friend" shoot.
These three girls are my best friends.
I love them so much.

We got three different outfits and just started coming up with silly ideas.
My reason for this friend shoot is a lot of things.

1. I feel like I really have an established group of friends.
I always have struggled finding girl friends that are not only supportive, but understanding.
I have ran into people that give their opinion about your life, even though your decisions only effect you, and not them. I don't need opinions, I need support, and with these girls I get that.

2. I have been really lacking any type of motivation lately. 
When I get home from a shoot, I literally just want to sit down and watch a movie, or go to the gym. I hardly feel like editing, and I guess once you do it so much, for hours on end, it really is hard to motivate yourself to want to sit in front of a bright computer screen for most of the day.
Today, I have to do that, not only for my own work and promotions, but for a hired job as well.
Pushing myself.

3. I really wanted to make a collage of all of us girls, because we all decided, no matter where we are in life, we will still keep each other in our lives.
It's very important.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Magazine Cover Spreads!

This weekend I am working on cover photographs for a local magazine.
I have several more shoots for showcasing products this weekend, but here was my first one!

Model: Samantha Shelner

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Updated Website!

I just completely redid my website, again.
So if you would like to see new updates from me, and a new layout for my website, be sure to check it out! 

So far, I love it, but I am continuously changing it.

Here is one of my favorite photographs from the other night!
This weekend I have a ton of fashion shoots to fill a magazine spread! How exciting!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

52 Weeks of Fashion Photography : Week Three

52 Weeks of Fashion Photography : Week Three
Vamp City
Model: Kaylan Asper

(Kind of jumped the gun on this week.. because I didn't realize how hard it was not posting everyday, so I was excited to post these. ^.^ )

Monday, January 6, 2014