Friday, February 27, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Self Portrait 02/12

Self Portrait 02/12 I've spent a lot of time inside lately. Not on purpose. I'm just either at the gym, editing, or avoiding the cold. I deeply want to travel. I want to travel for my own enjoyment, but mostly to photograph nation wide. I want to really empower women and men and encourage them to really love themselves. My project, "Shine Bright," is much more than just pretty girls in dresses. The issue I am really attacking is the convenience of "provocative" media, images, or whatever the internet provides us with a click of a button. In today's world, it's perfectly "okay" for people to engulf themselves in images they shouldn't be paying attention to, especially when in committed relationships. This "okay" action to me, is not okay. Girls, guys, anyone, can not compare to photoshopped perfection (yes, photoshop happens in movies too). All of a sudden we are placed next to these unbelieveably hard standards to reach, and we will never reach them. The point, is to outshine that junk with your beauty - inner, outer, or whatever you consider beautiful. This comparison is a constant frustration in any one's life. My goal in life, in a relationship, in everything, is to be loyal and honest. Not just to those I am connected to, but to myself as well. I will not go out of my way to hurt someone else - intentionally or unintentially. I started following Fight the New Drug​ and was inspired even more to push this issue. Life, love, is beautiful - let's not destroy it. Fight this issue - encourage every one you know to be the best they can be - be loyal, be honest, and most of all be beautiful. As yourself.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Random Daily Life

It's been awhile since I just photographed.
When I say that I mean, for just myself... for fun,
Not for an actual booked shoot, or for a project.
Now.. my projects are fun - but they have a mission.
They empower women.
Some of my best friends,  and complete strangers are impacted by my projects.
But, there are some days I just forget to do it for me.
I currently have 3 projects going on right now,
along with working. So sometimes I just forget to photograph for me.

Today was a nice break... and I really got some beautiful images..
and I fought my fear of spiders...
I really really hate them.

But here are some from today.
She's always a babe.